About Kayci

Kayci is creative, curious, and always seeking to learn something new. Her interests lie in illustration (and anything with vector graphics), graphic design, motion graphics, and software development. Her background is currently very technical (BS in Physics and three years as a software developer), but her passion is in design, and she hopes to transition her career in that direction. When she isn't designing, she enjoys running, swimming, and bowling.

The Website

In case you were curious, for the creation of this website I chose to use Firebase for hosting, git for source control, and then HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap for basic layout and styling. Nothing too complicated. The goal was to have a functional and responsive site that would be easy to update as I continued to develop more work. I do also use this site as a development sandbox where I can try out ideas or technologies. I'm currently tossing around the idea of fiddling with React, but we shall see if it makes it to the top of my priority list!


Email: designedbykayci@gmail.com
Instagram: @designed_by_kayci

Giraffe Illustration