
826DC Bookbinding Studio Mural Concept

Illustration (67" x 96")

826DC was looking for a mural concept to place on the back wall of their bookbinding studio. They wanted a design that was magical and fun for the children authors that would see it, but also sophisticated and not too child-like. This mural concept called attention to the many portals present in the writing studio, while also allowing for elements like books and paper airplanes to be repeated throughout the space and extended beyond one wall. The paper airplanes were also used to complement the current paper airplane designs on the back of the bookbinding studio’s door and the lavender background of the piece equally complements the purple of the book binding machine.

paper airplane
Mural Illustration

Knowing that the paper airplane design already existed on the door to the bookbinding studio led me to want to include it within my mural concept as a way to further unite the space. Photograph provided by 826DC.

photograph of 826DC bookbinding studio door with paper airplanes painted on it
photograph of a mural that is already in 826DC

Elements of my mural concept were inspired by a mural that already existed in the 826DC location. Photograph provided by 826DC.

early digital sketch

Early digital sketch of potential mural option. Dark rectangles (drawn to scale) represent where objects would block the wall or obstruct the view of the mural.

elevation diagram and mock up of concept in space
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